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  • The dicomPACS®vet software can help your dream of a paperless veterinary practice come true. With dicomPACS®vet, images and various types of documents (e.g., medical findings and reports, faxes) are stored in a digital patient folder and readily accessible. Our carefully designed archive and backup solutions guarantee quick access to all data and high security standards (in keeping with international guidelines for human medicine). Furthermore, the software can easily be integrated into all common practice information systems.


    The dicomPACS®vet software acquires, processes, transfers and archives images as well as other documents. The program was designed, developed and tested in cooperation with medical practitioners in order to provide a user-friendly tool for everyday veterinary care.


    Professional digital image management

    Modular design

    • Adaptable for use in both large and small animal practices, equine clinics or universities 
    • User friendly, well structured and highly usable
    • The user interface can be customized according to the demands of your medical speciality
    • Common functions can be assigned to hot keys for greater efficiency


    Adaptable and individualized features

    • Special features for vets
    • Parallel processing (e.g., data input can continue while a CD is being burnt)
    • „Perfect memory“ - images retain all the previous markings and settings, including zoom and alignments
    • Several diagnostic reports can be prepared in parallel – numerous program windows can be opened simultaneously without loss of speed (depending on computer memory)



    • Easy integration into existing HIS or RIS (DICOM, HL7, BDT/GDT)
    • Storage of all images and documents exclusively according to international DICOM standards



    Numerous tools, features and expansions are available:

    • Windowing, zoom and filter functions
    • Integrated web server
    • Operative reports
    • Special measurement functions, special filter (TPLO, TTA, HD, Distraction index, Buchanan‘s Vertebral Heart Score etc.)
    • Surgical planning
    • Integration of dictation and speech recognition systems etc.


    Cost and depreciation of dicomPACS®

    • Expansions and updates can easily be integrated into the modular design over many years
    • Very cost-effective – rapid depreciation possible
    • Remote maintenance service available


    dicom PACS® vet

    • Brand : OR - Technology

      Country of Origin : Germany

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